Friday, July 25, 2008

recovery and exhaustion

We got to visit my dad twice today in the ICU. He was sitting up and eating and went for a little walk today! He ate real food for lunch- that was happy. He was a little more grumpy today as I think some of the reality is setting in. It was so good to spend time with him though. So good to have conversations with him and just see him recovering.

Alison and are handling this similarly. We slept for the hour drive home and then took naps in our beds. Emotional exhaustion is the term we use. Anna went swimming.

Again, thank you so so much for praying and encouraging me with phone calls and scripture. Please keep praying for my dad's recovery- Oh! He is breathing very well, so pneumonia is not even a big threat right now. And pray for all of us to find our strength and hope and joy in God and trust Him. Oh I need much strength right now. And give glory and thanks to God for hearing our prayers and showing His healing power!

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