Sunday, May 16, 2010

Went to Chile

And I am back.
I wish I had some profound life altering revelation to share. But I do not. I think I had that long ago, and this was just confirmation. I love Latin America and I want to live there. I had more confirmation in church today when we sent out our first missionaries. I want to go. (as in "go and make disciples of all the nations").

Chile was amazing though. Such a crazy country geographically- mountains on one side and ocean on the other - it such a long skinny country. The mountains are INCREDIBLE. We were in the north so its mostly desert. crazy. God is at work. I think the most encouraging time was visiting some college students in ViƱa del Mar. These guys are on fire for Jesus. So excited to serve Him and tell their friends. And God is at work, saving people.

(playing catch up, so the post date is the day I started this post!)